Feb 7Liked by Claudia Wilde

Hello! I am a stay at home mother to a one year old boy in the state of Washington (US). I intend to homeschool my children when the day comes. I just started my own Substack, Slower Seasons, with the intention to slow down and appreciate the day to day of motherhood and this season of life. I’m so excited to see what’s to come in this new space, Claudia! Happy to be here 🥰

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Hi Kelly!! Ah your Substack sounds beautiful and I love that you intend to homeschool as well. It's really been such a wonderful journey (lots of ups and downs of course but so so worth it). Thank you for joining us here, super excited to have you x

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Feb 8Liked by Claudia Wilde

Hello there from another US resident!!! I live in Georgia, opposite coasts, but same country! Welcome to s/s…looking forward to following along your motherhood journey!

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Hello, I'm so happy to be here 💫

I'm also a homeschooling Mum of two wildlings (but only five chooks), living simply & slowly in connection with my family, community and the natural world where we are rooted on the Mornington Peninsula, Australia (Bunurong Country).

We are raising our kids creatively and holistically on as much nourishing food as can we grow, cook and preserve ourselves, surrounded by books, art, music and nature - our guiding tenets.

I write about the simples pleasures of our slow life at home at Splendid To Be and host the Australian Homeschool Stories podcast.

Always love connecting with other like minded folk.

Thanks for dreaming up and creating this space Claudia! 🫶✨

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Feb 7Liked by Claudia Wilde

Stephanie, I took a peek at Splendid to Be before responding to your comment and realized I had to subscribe. I'm so looking forward to perusing more!

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Hello beautiful! First of all apologies for the very late reply. Mothering has gotten the better of me the last 10 days haha I just love everything you shared here, seems like we are kindred spirits 🫶🏼 spent some time on the Mornington peninsula on our caravan trip a while ago and I remember it being so serene and beautiful. Your Substack and podcast sound wonderful too, I'm looking forward to having a read and listen! Excited to have you here xx

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I am so excited for this space. I am based in the US, I have an almost two year old. We are planning to homeschool and trying to find some aligned groups in our community. It is hard. We are in the Southern part of the country and we are holistically minded and as my husband says, hippies. We do things differently, we go slower, we focus on less. All for finding aligned community, even when it is virtual. I write here in Susbtack about motherhood, healing, and changing generational patterns!

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Hahah this made me laugh. Hippies here too 😂 so wonderful to have you here Emma, and hopefully you'll find some more US mamas near you through the Substack community xx

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Feb 7Liked by Claudia Wilde

Dear Claudia, I'm so excited to be here in this new space you've created! I've been off Substack for quite a few months and was thrilled to come back to witness the inauguration of Raising Our Wilde.

We have three teens homeschooling right now (and a newly two-year-old who is in the middle of it all), and are deep in the thick of navigating how to best lay foundations for our children in the modern world. I am a midwife and am currently on hiatus from active practice due to the season of life our family is in...

In many ways life is filled brimfull with magic right now. We are rooting into the land where we currently live while also (as a family) keeping an eye to the future and where we would like to settle permanently. We access much of our own food locally, and are actively working to source more of our family's nourishment from our own gardens and animals, which is practically a full time job in and of itself. The learning curve is REAL!

I so value hearing the experiences of other mothers and families, especially those who are moving into the older years with their children! Looking forward to being part of what grows here.

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Sounds like we are kindred spirits Jan 💫 Lovely to meet you!

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Oh Jan! Welcome 🫶🏼 I'm so happy to have you here! Three teens homeschooling - wow! Cannot wait to learn more, I honestly have been a little nervous thinking of the teen years to come so I'm excited to hear about your experience. And how wonderful that you're looking for a place to settle, it has been a journey for us too and now to have finally arrived is just - as you said - magic. I'm looking forward to connect more with you mama! Xx

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Feb 8Liked by Claudia Wilde

So nice to “meet” you here on s/s! I am a wife to a wonderful husband & mama of 3 older and wonderful children, 15, 18, and 26. We are an extremely close knit family and my little tribe means the world to me! I used to teach preschool art after my children were out of that stage because i missed having the interaction with little ones. From there, I find myself here on s/s offering up weekly art projects for families with young children. Your writing is lovely & it always amazes me how we can learn so much and grow deeply from other writers here, even though our situations and lifestyles are so vastly different. Looking forward to following along with you! Xoxo, ellen

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Welcome Ellen! Oh I'm looking forward to spending some time on your Substack, can never have too many art projects on hand haha I agree we can all learn so much from each other and given the fact your babies are already in the older years I'm excited to hear more about your experience as well 🫶🏼 thank you for being here xx

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I am so looking forward to this! I am from Illinois and have three tiny humans (8, 5, and 4 years). My husband and I also parent a little differently than most, and I am glad to find others on a similar journey. We have about 10 acres, some chickens, woods, and a creek. Our kiddos love exploring, and we love watching them explore. I am a mental health professional as well as a writer (I write the publication The Things We Need to Hear on Substack). Thank you for this space!

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Hi Pandora! So nice to have you here! Our kiddies are similar ages so excited to connect. We're on 7 acres as well with chickens and all and I absolutely agree that watching them explore is nothing short of amazing x

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Congratulations on this beautiful new space dear Claudia, I am so pleased to be here! I live in London, UK and have two children who are 4 and 2 years old. It is an intense and yet rich experience beyond anything I could have imagined. Despite not knowing a lot beforehand, I have been drawn to attachment style mothering that feels right in my body. My daughter is due to start school in September but we have chosen somewhere in the woods that aims to preserve the sacredness of childhood. I feel as though I am constantly dancing between ‘mainstream’ and an alternative way which to be honest has always been my path in many respects. So look forward to hearing more about your family journey xx

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Always such a joy to see your name pop up Lyndsay, thank you for choosing to be in this space with us 🫶🏼 intense and deep enriching describes it so well and I love that you follow your mothering is guided by your intuition- I'm very much the same. Thank you again for you support mama xx

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